Written By : M Samy

Hamsters for sale , where to buy a hamster ?

Hamsters for sale , where to buy a hamster ?

The best way to find an ideal hamster for sale is to either search for an ethical hamster breeder in your state or region, on craigslist or simply wait for a surprise pregnancy and adopt one when they become adults or you can even find and adopt one at a pet rescue.

2021 06 14 02 32 33 Window

Why you should never buy a hamster from a large chain pet store ?

You will say that it is enough to go to Petland, PetCo, PetSmart, PetsatHome, GlobalPet, PetValu…etc and to buy directly my hamster.

Yes, it’s easier for you to do that, but you don’t realize the consequences of your purchase, so here are the reasons why you should not look for a hamster for sale at pet stores:

1- Buying your hamster in a pet store is supporting animal cruelty:

There are hamsters for sale in almost every pet store, but have you ever wondered where these pet stores get the hamsters they put on sale in their chain stores?

It is the infamous Pet Mills that supply the pet stores with the hamsters they want to sell you.

You don’t know what pet mills are! They are places, big rooms, full of small cages like prison cells, where animals are reproduced, especially hamsters, on an industrial scale, without worrying about the well-being of the hamsters or the purity of the breed or the genes of the hamsters that are born in these cruel breeding factories.

As soon as you buy your hamster in a pet store, the store manager will place a new order with the Petmill to deliver another hamster and you will be participating in this cruel economy without knowing it.

If you have never seen what a pet mill looks like, I advise you to search on google, you will not believe how badly they treat animals in these places.

You should never look for a hamster for sale in a pet store so as not to encourage the pat mills to torture more hamsters.

These pet mills only give low quality food and water to the female hamsters and then breed them continuously until they die of exhaustion or stop giving birth and they will just get rid of them and replace them with other young females…etc.

On top of that, hamsters need at least 1000 square inches of floor space, and pet stores lock them in cages of just a few inches, they have no right to treat poor hamsters this way!

2- Hamsters sold at pet stores will not survive very long

The hamsters sold at pet stores are not the offspring of selected, healthy and disease-free parents.

The pet mills that supply these pet stores only breed the females and do not select healthy parents, who do not have a predisposition to hamster diseases and tumors for example…

This will result in hamsters that are sold in pet stores with fragile genes, hamsters that easily get sick, contract cancer, suffer from stress, are not well-tamed, not socialized and die quickly from their diseases.

These hamsters do not survive long and this is the purpose of these pets stores so that you will buy hamsters again and again and they do not care about the welfare of these small rodents.

3- Hamsters sold in pet stores are hybrids

where to get my hamster ?

It is rare to find purebred hamsters in a pet store and the seller will never be able to show you the parents of the hamster offered for sale.

These are hamsters from petmills, which suffer from inbreeding, the petmills do not wait even 4 months to breed a female hamster and they do not put the female to rest after her first litter and they continue to breed her until she dies of exhaustion.

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Baby hamsters are born fragile, crossbred, predisposed to diseases and deformities but most of all to chronic stress because in pet mills, baby hamsters are isolated from their mother and put in big groups before they are even weaned and this is what makes them nervous, stressed and aggressive.

You will never get a purebred hamster in a pet store, they are hamsters born and raised in pet mills, half of them are sold as live food for snakes, raptors, etc. and the others are delivered to pet stores, which just treat them as merchandise, not as living beings.

4- Hamsters for sale in pet stores are not accompanied with advice

Finally, one of the reasons that should prevent you from buying your first hamster in pet stores is that the seller knows almost nothing about hamsters, his real concern is to sell the maximum.

You will not be well advised when you buy your hamster in a pet store, moreover the salesman will quickly try to sell you a cage, probably too small because it must have at least 800 square inches and the stores do not have enough space for this kind of enclosure …

And then he will try to sell you pellets as exclusive food for your hamster while they need a varied diet and a seed mix as rich as possible, and he will do the same by proposing a wheel made of wire mesh … and everything else you should never buy for your hamster. .

It is for all these reasons that I beg you to never buy your hamster or any other pet from a pet store.

So where will I find a good hamster for sale?

Don’t worry because there are other ways to buy or adopt a hamster, gentle, docile, already tamed, who loves to cuddle, purebred, from selected parents whose genes are pure and solid and who will surely live in your home for as long as possible without perhaps even seeing the vet once

1- Find a hamster for sale from an ethical hamster breeder

What is an ethical hamster breeder?

An ethical hamster breeder is a person who loves hamsters and tries to select the specimens and breed them for the good of the breed in order to produce healthy, strong, more beautiful baby hamsters that will live longer and better than both parents.

They actually try to eliminate the bad genes and promote the best genes for the good of the hamsters themselves and not to make money or a business.

A passionate breeder will not breed a female hamster to exhaustion, he will choose females that are in excellent health and that are of pure lineage and he will wait until they are adults to breed them, he will also let the female recover from her delivery and the breeding of her litter before breeding her a second time.

The Hamster females ( Sows ) are also monitored by a veterinarian who helps the breeder select the best individuals and the females are then retired and continue to live a happy life without mating after a certain age.

A passionate breeder will not sell or rehome a baby hamster, he will wait until it is at least 7 or 8 weeks old to become an adult and that it is well weaned and well developed and make sure that it is healthy and does not show any malformation or behavioral problems before he sells it to you

Finally, you will not find at a breeder’s house a hamster production factory like what happens in pet mills, but just a few pens, very large, with all the necessary and enrichments for the welfare of hamsters.

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You will find just a few females but they live a good life and raise their baby hamsters in very good conditions.

So, the first alternative to pet stores to find hamsters for sale is to look for an ethical breeder in your area.

There are a lot of hamster breeders popping up all over the place these days but not all of them are very reputable.

When you find a hamster breeder, try to make sure that he is really a hamster lover and try to find out the real reason why he breeds these animals and if you find that he is really passionate, then you can buy your hamster from him.

You can also find hamster breeders on Facebook , Craigslists.com (USA) , Kijiji.com (Canada) and Gumtree.com(UK)

Find out about the person beforehand and never go to meet him/her unless accompanied by your parents or friends (security measures)

What is the advantage of buying a hamster from an enthusiastic breeder?

The biggest advantage of buying your hamster from a breeder instead of a pet store is that you can be sure that your hamster is a pure breed and not a crossbreed or hybrid.

Your hamster will have well selected genes, an innate and natural resistance to disease, a calm and easy to tame hamster that may never contract a disease that will require you to take it to a vet.

The other advantage of buying your hamster from an ethical and passionate breeder is that he will teach you everything about hamsters in a very short time.

The breeder will give you advice on what to buy for your hamster, what to feed your hamster, what the ideal seed mix is, how to handle your new hamster and what to do to prolong the life of your new pet with care and enrichment …

Finally, you can also ask the breeder to leave you his email or phone number in case you have any questions to ask him in the near future and he will surely be happy to help you and teach you how to take good care of your hamster.

2 – Find a hamster for adoption instead of a hamster for sale:

If you really want to help animals, to make a good act and to have a hamster already tamed, perhaps even of pure breed and surely auscultated by a veterinarian thus a hamster which does not have diseases, I advise you to seek to adopt one, in a pet rescue and in shelters of your area.

Of course, you will probably find more cats and dogs there, in shelters, but you might find hamsters, because there are people who will move and can’t take the hamster with them, or they can’t take care of it anymore and the poor thing will probably end up in a shelter.

If you don’t find a hamster available in a pet rescue, you can always leave your contact information and they will contact you as soon as they receive one .

Accidental litters often happen among hamster lovers and it would be better than buying one in a pet store. The key word here is patience, wait a little and you will have a hamster you will never regret.

You can also adopt a hamster online, you will just have to go and bring it back because I doubt that they can deliver it to you because this kind of delivery is very stressful for hamsters and they may not survive this kind of trauma.

So try places like :

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The Facebook groups “MunchiesPlaceForHomelessPets”, or “mustachiohams”.

Websites like: PetFinder.com , Adoptapet.com , Petango.com , cheeksandsqueakshamsters.com , happypawshamsters.com , hubbahubbahamstery.com , strongbrew.ca , themetallicahams.co.uk

There are also some Ethical Hamsteries like : ( search them on google ) :

Here’re some Hamsteries in the US :

  • Nantucket Hamstery
  • Winterbell Hamstery
  • Kaanli Hamstery
  • Shady’s Creek Furry Critters
  • Pearl Hamletry
  • Happy Paws Hamsters
  • Moxie Hamstery
  • Snow Creek Pocket Pals
  • Holmden Hill Haven Hamstry
  • Cheeks & Squeaks Hamsters
  • Hubba-Hubba Hamstery
  • Poppy Bee Hamstery

Here’re some ethical Hamsteries If you live in Canada :

  • Hathor Hamstery
  • Mister Saddlebags Hamstery
  • Silversage Hamstery
  • Strongbrew Hamstery

Here’s where to find Ethical Breeders in the UK :

Northern Hamster Club: https://northernhamsterclub.co.uk

Midland Hamster Club: http://www.midlandhamsterclub.co.uk/about-the-mhc/mhc-breeders/

Southern Hamster Club: http://www.southernhamsterclub.co.uk/about-the-shc/shc-breeders/

I recommend that you look for a hamster facebook group in your state or region and ask the members to advise you and direct you to a hamster breeder or shelter in the area where you might find hamsters for adoption.

Will my hamster cost me more at a breeder?

When you see the prices of hamsters in pet stores, they usually range from $15 to $25 on Petsmart, Petco and PetWorld …. and can go up to $35 if you are in Indiana and you buy your hamster at Uncle Bill’s.

While your hamster can cost you up to $60 at an ethical and passionate breeder, like Cheeks & Squeaks Hamsters in California or Hubba-Hubba Hamstery in Portland ($55), or even only $50 at Poppy Bee Hamstery in Virginia.

You will pay a little less in Illinois at Nantucket Hamstery by buying your purebred dwarf hamster for only $25/$30.

But if you are going to pay twice as much for your hamster at a breeder’s as you would at a pet store, you will be buying a hamster that will save you hundreds of dollars in visits to the vet and in medication, and you will also be getting a hamster that will not bite you for no reason and that you can easily entrust to your child without fearing that the hamster will transmit a zoonosis to him…

Finally, I believe that the calculation is clear and the choice is simple, so it is better to buy your hamster from a breeder passionate.

Final thoughts 

When looking for a hamster for sale, don’t rush into anything because that’s exactly what the pet stores want you to do.

Remember, if you really want a good hamster that will live happily in your home for a long time, it is better to have it in a pet rescue for example, at least you will be giving a home to a hamster that no longer has one.

Otherwise, it is better to look for a hamster for sale at ethical and passionate breeders in your area or not far from where you live, that you will certainly find online or on facebook.

Remember, a hamster is a companion of at least two years, or much more, and it is imperative that you choose a healthy hamster and pure lineage that will not spend his life to come and go at the vet and risk dying because of the first flu he may contract.

M Samy pet blogger and author at famillypet

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Hey! Samy here , Welcome to my Blog I'm an animal lover, especially pets and Really concerned about their well being ; I've been around and caring for all my life and Now ; a full-time Pet blogger at your service . My motto here at Famillypet is: "Pets First" ... Read More