Written By : M Samy

How to deep clean Your Hamster’s Cage step by step

To deep clean your hamster’s cage, start by removing your furry friend and all accessories. Scrub the cage with mild soap and water, ensuring you clean and disinfect every corner with white vinegar. Rinse well, let it air dry, then add fresh bedding and items. Finally, reunite your hamster with its sparkling clean enclosure.

Cleaning out a hamster’s enclosure isn’t exactly a party, especially when it’s a big one and full of stuff.

Fear not though, because we’ve got your back here on Famillypet with some practical tips and tricks to make the process a breeze. So grab your cleaning supplies and let’s dive in!

How to clean Your Hamster's Cage step by step

Why Cleaning your hamster’s cage Is Crucial

Well, besides the obvious (nobody likes a stinky cage), maintaining a clean environment is not only crucial for your hamster’s health but for your own well being as well.

A dirty hamster enclosure is the first reason why your hamster may smell terrible, it can also get him sick and lead to respiratory issues, skin irritations, and even infections. Plus, a clean cage just makes for a happier hamster!

Finally, keeping your hamster’s cage or enclosure clean is not only essential for their health but also for their happiness. But hey!, we get it. 

Must-Have Supplies

Before you roll up your sleeves, make sure you’ve got everything you need:

1- Cage Disinfectant Spray

Opt for a pet-safe disinfectant spray to kill germs and bacteria without harming your hamster. You can use white vinegar as a disinfectant as well.

You’re gonna also need:

  • Mild pet-safe detergent
  • Bucket or basin
  • Sponge
  • Clean cloths or paper towels
  • Dustpan and broom
See also  How do hamsters clean themselves ?

2- Soft Bristle Brush

Perfect for sweeping away debris and reaching those tricky corners. I recommend you this Brush on Amazon if you don’t have one yet.

3- Absorbent hamster safe Bedding

Choose a good hamsters’ bedding material that’s absorbent, dust-free, and safe for your hamster’s delicate paws.

4- Trash Bags and gloves

Have a designated trash bags handy for easy waste disposal and gloves for your own safety.

5- Hamster-Safe Soap

For stubborn stains, use a mild soap diluted in water to scrub the cage clean.

6- Hamster Carrier

Keep your furry friend safe and secure while you clean their home. Put your hamster in plastic pen or in its carrier with some food and water.

The Best Time to Clean your hamsters enclosure

Timing is everything when it comes to cage cleaning. Aim to clean your hamster’s cage during the day when they’re likely to be asleep or less active. This minimizes stress for your hamster and makes the cleaning process smoother for you.

Deep Cleaning A Hamster Cage

Cleaning your hamster’s cage Step-by-Step

1- Prepare the Area

Find a well-lit and spacious spot to work in. Lay down some old towels or newspaper to catch any mess.

Remove Your Hamster Gently transfer your hamster to a safe temporary home, like a hamster carrier. Give him some food and water.

2- Empty and Disassemble

Take out all accessories, toys, accessories, and food/water containers and finally the bedding.

When you remove the bedding, it’s likely that it’s not completely dirty, so you can throw away only the top and bottom layers, as the bedding in the middle is often always clean.

Make sure you don’t get rid of your hamster’s food stashes, just throw away the fresh food scraps and put the seed stocks back in the same places where your hamster created them, to avoid stressing him further.

Put the tunnels back where they belong in the bedding, as well, so as not to disorientate your hamster too much.

Finally, disassemble any removable parts of the cage for thorough cleaning.

3- Start Spot Clean

Use a soft bristle brush to sweep away any loose debris or soiled bedding. Pay extra attention to corners and crevices where dirt tends to accumulate. Spot cleaning will also allow you to not waste bedding and replace the soiled bedding and substrate only.

Don’t forget to clean the sandbox and replace the “oily” sand.

4- Scrub Away and wash everything

Spray the cage with a pet-safe disinfectant or use a mild soap diluted in water to scrub away any stubborn stains or odors. Rinse thoroughly with clean water afterward.

5- Dry the cage and all your hamster stuff Off

Use a clean towel or paper towels to dry the cage and accessories thoroughly. Ensure there’s no moisture left behind to prevent mold growth.

6- Add Fresh Bedding and Accessories 

Once the cage is dry, add a generous layer of fresh bedding and reassemble all accessories. Don’t forget to throw in some new toys to keep your hamster entertained!

7- Return Your Hamster 

Finally, carefully place your hamster back into their clean and cozy home. Watch them explore and enjoy their fresh surroundings!

How to Keep Your Hamster’s Home Clean for longer periods (maintenance)

Making sure your little furball’s place stays tidy is super important; here are some easy tips to keep your hamster’s enclosure fresh for many days:

Keep Your Hamster's Home Clean

1- Quick Daily maintenance Check-ups

Just take a peek into your hamster’s pad each day. If you spot any messy bedding or leftover nibbles, scoop them up. It’s like a mini-clean-up that keeps things smelling sweet.

2- Once-a-Month Deep Clean

Plan a big clean-up at least once a month for big enclosures and every 2 weeks for smaller ones.

See also  Getting a hamster

Kick things off by giving your hamster a temporary vacay outside their crib. Then, clear out all the bedding, scrub the cage with a pet-friendly cleaner, rinse it off, and let it air dry. Finish up with fresh bedding, and voila! Your hamster’s home is good as new.

3- Mix Up the Toys

Hamsters love a change of scenery. So, switch up their toys and hangouts every now and then. New toys keep them entertained and stop them from getting bored. Plus, it’s fun to see what they like best!

With these simple tips, you’ll keep your hamster’s home cozy and exciting. And hey, a happy hamster means a happy pet parent.

Things to Avoid when deep cleaning your hamsters’ cage

  • Avoid using harsh cleaning chemicals or disinfectants that could be harmful to your hamster.
  • Do not use scented or perfumed bedding, as these can irritate your hamster’s respiratory system.
  • Do not use any product that can leave any strong odor in the enclosure, hamsters hate that.
  • Avoid leaving any wet spots or damp bedding in the enclosure, as this can lead to mold or respiratory issues.

Things to Pay Attention

  • Pay close attention to areas where your hamster spends most of its time, such as sleeping and eating areas, and ensure these are thoroughly cleaned.
  • Monitor your hamster for any signs of illness or discomfort after cleaning, as stress from environmental changes can sometimes affect their health.
  • Regularly inspect and clean the water bottle or bowl to ensure your hamster has access to clean drinking water at all times.
  • Finally, if you are housing your hamster in a small cage, it’s maybe time to move her/him to a bigger more comfortable hamster’s enclosure.

Final Thoughts

Keeping your hamster’s cage clean doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With the right supplies, a bit of elbow grease, and some handy tips, you can ensure that your furry friend has a clean and cozy home to enjoy. So roll up your sleeves and get cleaning, your hamster will thank you for it!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How often should I clean my hamster’s cage?

Ideally, aim for a deep clean once a week to maintain a hygienic environment for your hamster.

Can I use household cleaners to clean the cage?

It’s best to avoid harsh chemicals and stick to pet-safe disinfectants or mild soap diluted in water to clean your hamster’s cage.

What bedding material is best for hamsters?

Opt for bedding that’s absorbent, dust-free, and beddings that are proven safe for your hamster‘s sensitive skin, such as aspen shavings or paper-based bedding.

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How can I keep my hamster’s cage smelling fresh?

Regular spot cleaning, weekly cage cleanings, and using odor-neutralizing bedding can help keep your hamster’s cage smelling fresh.

Is it safe to clean the cage while my hamster is inside?

It’s best to transfer your hamster to a temporary home, like a hamster ball or carrier, while you clean their cage to prevent any accidents or injuries.

Can I use vinegar to clean my hamster’s cage?

While vinegar is a natural cleaner, it’s best to avoid using it in your hamster’s enclosure as the strong odor may bother your pet. Stick to pet-safe disinfectants or mild soap instead.

How often should I change my hamster’s bedding?

Aim to change your hamster’s bedding once a week during your deep cleaning session. However, if you notice any soiling or odor before then, feel free to change it out as needed.

Is it okay to wash plastic toys in the dishwasher?

It’s generally safe to wash plastic hamster toys in the dishwasher, but be sure to use a mild detergent and avoid high temperatures. Alternatively, hand washing with soap and water works just as well.

Can I use scented bedding for my hamster?

It’s best to avoid scented bedding as the strong fragrance may irritate your hamster’s sensitive respiratory system. Stick to unscented, natural bedding options for a healthier and happier pet.

M Samy pet blogger and author at famillypet

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Hey! Samy here , Welcome to my Blog I'm an animal lover, especially pets and Really concerned about their well being ; I've been around and caring for all my life and Now ; a full-time Pet blogger at your service . My motto here at Famillypet is: "Pets First" ... Read More