Written By : M Samy

How to get your dog to sleep with you in your bed?

To get your dog to sleep in your bed, start by dog-proofing your bedroom.Use treats and toys to get them used to your bed; Create a regular schedule for bedtime. Finally, give your dog his own space on your bed and be patient by making bedtime feel happy and safe to help your dog become a cozy sleeping buddy.

How to get my dog sleep in bed with me?

Is it okay to let my dog sleep with me in my bed?

While co-sleeping with your dog can be rewarding, there are some risks like disrupted sleep, allergy triggers, dog hair in your bed, and difficulties if the habit must be broken. It’s best to set boundaries like having them sleep at foot of bed. 

Providing their own dog bed as well avoids possessiveness. Take precautions based on health and behavior factors. For many owners, the bonding outweighs the compromises required. Finally, like in solving the problem of dogs hiding under furniture, you should also be prepared to manage challenges that can arise when you’re training your dog to properly sleep in your bed..

Easy step-by-step on How to Get Your Dog to Sleep in Your Bed 

1- Start Early 

Introducing your dog to sleeping in your bed at a young age as a puppy will help them learn this new behavior more quickly. However, adult dogs can definitely learn too with consistent training. The key is being patient, it may take several weeks or more of gradual training before your dog is fully comfortable sleeping in your bed all night. Go slowly and don’t get discouraged. This adjustment period is normal

2- Dog Proof the Bedroom

Before allowing your dog access to your bed, it’s important to dog proof the bedroom to remove any potential hazards. Tidy loose wires, pick up clothing or other tempting chewables, and use outlet covers. 

Consider placing pet stairs or steps next to the bed to give your dog easy access on and off, especially if they are a small or large breed. You’ll also want to provide a comfortable dog bed on the floor so they have an alternative sleeping space.

getting a dog to sleep with you in your bed

3- Positive Reinforcement Training 

The most effective way to train your dog to sleep in your bed is through positive reinforcement. Use treats and verbal praise as motivation when they first get on the bed and lie down nicely. You can then teach them an “off” command to cue them to exit the bed when asked.

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 It can also help to set boundaries early on, like only allowing them access to the foot of the bed if needed.

4- Establish a Bedtime Routine

A consistent bedtime routine helps signal to your dog that it’s time to wind down and get ready for sleep. Be sure to take them outside for a bathroom break right before bed to minimize accidents. 

Over time, stick to the same regular sleep and wake-up schedule. You can even incorporate calming elements like gently brushing your dog before tucking them into bed.  

5- Be Consistent and Understanding

Transitioning your dog to regularly sleeping in your bed requires commitment on your part. Be consistent with the training and have an understanding that forming a habit takes time. 

Stick with the routine you establish every night until your dog is fully comfortable sharing your sleeping space. Consistency and meeting their needs will make bed sharing a pleasant experience.

training a dog to sleep in your bed

Finally, you have to be patient during your dog’s training, it can take time before they adjust. But being positive and meeting their needs will help the transition go smoothly. Soon you’ll have a content cuddle buddy at night.

Tips for Preparing Your Dog for Sleeping in Your Bed

Before allowing your dog to join you in bed, following these preparation tips can help the transition go smoothly:

  • Bathe and brush your dog regularly to keep them clean for close sleeping quarters.
  • Trim your dog’s nails to avoid accidental scratching if they reposition at night.
  • Be sure they are crate trained first so bed sharing isn’t too overwhelming.
  • Start by allowing them on bed for naps or limited times, then progress to full nights.  
  • Establish a predictable soothing pre-bedtime routine like gentle brushing.
  • Talk to your veterinarian if your dog has sleep issues or medical conditions that warrant caution.

Take the time to adequately prepare both your space and your dog. The investment will pay off with a smooth transition to pleasant shared nighttime sleeping.

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How to get my dog to sleep quickly when it’s in my bed?

  • Stick to a consistent bedtime routine with set sleep/wake times.
  • Provide plenty of exercise and playtime earlier in the day. 
  • Keep the bedroom quiet and calm right before bed.
  • Use a relaxing pre-bedtime ritual like gentle petting.
  • Ensure the bedroom is a comfortable temperature for your dog.
  • Use calming aids like a ThunderShirt or pheromone diffuser if anxiety is an issue.

Why is my dog refusing to sleep with me in my bed?

  • Your mattress may be too high or too hot for your dog’s preferences.
  • They may prefer having their own space like a dog bed on the floor.
  • Anxiety about stairs/steps or joint issues making access difficult.
  • Introduced bed sharing too quickly before they were trained. 
  • Prefer sleeping near an exit for security rather than feeling trapped.
  • May be clingy and protesting the lack of daytime access or bonding.
how to teach your dog to sleep with you in your bed

What to expect when your dog sleeps with you in your bed?

So in summary, dogs have more fragmented, lighter sleep cycles, adaptable to cues and environments, with more daytime napping than consolidated human overnight sleep.Here are some key differences between dog and human sleep:

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Different Sleep cycles: Dogs have shorter cycles of waking and sleeping compared to humans’ consolidated nighttime sleep.

Dogs are Light sleepers: Dogs sleep more lightly and are more easily awoken than human deep sleep. 

They need more sleep period: sleep around 12-14 hours per day total, versus 7-8 hours overnight for humans.

Sleeping positions: Some dogs love to sleep on their back, others tend to sleep in a curled up ball or loaf position, unlike humans’ more prone position.

Sleep cues: Dogs are more flexible with sleep cues while humans rely on environmental signals like darkness. 

Solo vs co-sleeping: Dogs are more comfortable co-sleeping with humans and packmates than solo human sleep.

Final thoughts

Sharing your bed with your dog can be extremely rewarding but requires commitment, diligence and training. By being patient, motivational and establishing a consistent routine, you can successfully integrate your dog into your sleeping space safely and enjoyably. 

Finally, make sure to adequately prepare through proofing, practice and veterinary guidance. With time, you’ll gain a warm cuddly companion to drift off to sleep with each night. Sweet dreams!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will allowing my dog on my bed reinforce bad behaviors or clinginess?

Bed sharing doesn’t necessarily cause behavior issues if introduced properly. Stick to a routine and enforce basic commands so it’s a privilege, not a given right.

How can I keep my dog from hogging space or waking me in the night? 

Establish boundaries using crates or dog beds. Take late night potty breaks. Exercise them well before bedtime for better sleep.

Are dog beds a must if I’ll also allow bed sharing?

Yes, dog beds give them an alternative place to sleep. Rotate between the two to prevent possessiveness over the human bed. 

What if my dog sheds a lot in the bed? 

Bathe and brush them regularly. Use sheets over bed covers for easier washing. Vacuum and lint roll frequently to manage hair.

How do I get my dog to sleep in their own bed and not mine?

Positive reinforcement. Reward sleeping in their own bed, ignore or correct jumping on yours. Be patiently persistent and consistent.

Can I allow an older dog with arthritis to sleep in my bed? 

Yes, with some precautions. Place ramps for ease of access and provide ample padded space. Check with your vet. 

How do I break the habit if bed sharing isn’t working for my family?

Gradually move their bed farther away each night. Reward sleeping there, not on your bed. Stick to the new routine diligently. 

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Will my dog try to play at bedtime if allowed up at night?

Ensure adequate daytime exercise. Establish a calm nighttime routine. Use crates or dog beds for rambunctious dogs at bedtime if needed.

Can I allow a puppy to sleep in my bed?

Yes, if properly housebroken. Use crates overnight at first. Slowly increase pup’s bedtime freedom as they learn household etiquette.

Some Online Useful Sources

National Library Of Medicine: Zoonotic Risks of Sleeping with Pets

Science direct : Sleep-wake cycles and other night-time behaviors of the domestic dog

The ranch pet resort : The Benefits of Sleeping with Your Human From Your Dog or Cat’s Point of View.

M Samy pet blogger and author at famillypet

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Hey! Samy here , Welcome to my Blog I'm an animal lover, especially pets and Really concerned about their well being ; I've been around and caring for all my life and Now ; a full-time Pet blogger at your service . My motto here at Famillypet is: "Pets First" ... Read More