Written By : M Samy

How to Get my Dog Out from Under the Bed ?

How to get my dog out from under the bed ?

Does your dog repeatedly hide under furniture? Unsure why or how to get them out and stop this behavior?

This quick answer will provide some guidance, but, please, do your dog a favor and read the full article for comprehensive solutions on curbing hiding for good.

To get your dog out from under the bed, use positive reinforcement such as treats, toys, and praise, never force her out, find and address the underlying reason, such as fear and anxiety, to keep her from hiding again, and finally, provide and encourage the use of a designated safe space as an appropriate alternative to satisfy their denning instinct.

how to get my dog out from under the bed

How to Gently Coax Your Dog from Under the Bed? Step by step

While some parents are looking for a quick way to get their dog to share their bed, others are facing this “heart breaking” behavior of their beloved dogs hiding under furniture. So, if your dog is hiding under the bed, resist the urge to forcefully remove them.

This will only increase anxiety and fear. Instead, try the following positive, patient approach:

get your hiding dog from under the bed , step by step

1- Get down on the floor at eye level with your dog. 

2- Speak to your dog in a calm, reassuring tone( your facial expression is also important, just smile, don’t fake it !!)

If able to reach your dog, gently pet them while encouraging them to come out. Offering a treat can help gain their trust.

3- Never raise your voice or drag your dog out. Wait patiently as they regain confidence, and when they emerge, don’t forget to reward your dog with treats, pets and praise.

4- Over time, aim to gradually decrease the wait time. But remember this is just a temporary fix.

But to fully resolve chronic hiding behavior, you’ll need to get to the root cause and undergo proper training. 

The best under bed dog blocker

Avoiding confrontation and using patience is key to coaxing your dog out in the moment. Gain their trust and let them overcome fear at their own pace.

You can also “temporarily” use under bed blocker for pets ( links to Amazon ) or all that you have to make him barrier until he forgets this bad behavior. Here’s another under bed blocker for pets that you can try.

Keep reading please …

Why is my dog hiding under furniture ?

It’s common for dogs to crawl under beds, sofas, tables, and other furniture. 

This instinctual hiding behavior stems from their ancestral denning instincts which is “ finding comfort and safety in enclosed spaces”. 

Hiding can increase when a dog feels stressed, anxious, or afraid due to loud noises, new environments, arguments at home, or even separation anxiety when left alone. 

While harmless on its own, chronic hiding can become problematic.

Guilty looking dog peeking head out from behind living room couch

I will help you to curb your dog’s furniture hiding behaviors, you will:

  • First identify the specific triggers causing your dog’s need to retreat. 
  • Show you how to observe their environment, you will take note of circumstances and durations of each hiding episode. 
  • Finally, you will easily be able to address yourself the root cause through training techniques like desensitization to noises or socialization therapy for shyness. 
See also  10 Tips When Hiking With Your Dog

Note that temporarily providing alternative safe spaces like crates covered with blankets can also ease separation anxiety when you leave. 

With patience and diligent training tailored to your dog’s needs, furniture hiding can be greatly reduced or eliminated, let’s find out answers to the why and how to eliminate this hiding behavior from your dog’s life forever, keep reading and taking notes please.

Let’s start with the root reasons behind your dog’s hiding under furniture behavior.

Rear view of small anxious dog taking shelter under bed with just their tail sticking out.

1- Dogs may hide under furniture when they are sick or injured

It’s natural for dogs to isolate themselves when ill or hurt, it’s an ancestral instinct to retreat to a sheltered “den.” In the wild, withdrawing to rest aids quick healing.

I remember we once had a dog that would disappear for days when injured or ill.

One day I remember finding him, hiding inside some kind of a den, and after looking him over a bit, I realized he had a fracture in his front leg. So, when dogs are sick or injured, they would seek out a quiet corner or shelter to lie low and recover on their own.

Also, dogs often won’t eat or drink much when unwell, as fasting helps the body heal.

 brown and white dog lying contently within a burrow den dug into the earth, satisfying natural instinct to seek shelter in enclosed, dark spaces underground.

So if your dog is “suddenly” hiding under furniture, assess for other symptoms of a potential health problem like:

  • Appetite changes.
  • Lethargy.
  • Limping.
  • Whining, or abnormal behaviors warrant a veterinary visit.

Catching issues early maximizes treatability. However, remember dogs instinctively hide when sick, so don’t immediately assume the worst if they occasionally spend time tucked away resting.

Monitor closely for persistent hiding paired with other signs of distress or illness.

With a little extra patience and care, your pup will likely recover well in the comfort of their safe space beneath the bed.

2- Fear can push a dog to hide under the bed

Fear can also cause your dog to hide under or behind furniture, here is a list of reasons that could frighten your dog and trigger this behavior:

  • Owner’s Mood: Dogs can sense anger, sadness, or anxiety. They may hide from shouting or arguments. Stay calm and consistent.
  • New Home: Unfamiliar surroundings are scary at first. Let them adjust gradually to new home before expecting normalcy.
  • Loud Noises: Thunder, fireworks, construction, babies crying. Breeds like Wheatens and Lagottos are noise sensitive.
  • New Faces: Proper socialization introduces dogs to new people safely. Go slow with strangers.
  • Your other Pets: Cats or new dogs can instigate fear if not introduced properly. Supervise interactions.
  • Leaving them home alone: Being left alone is very stressful for some dogs. Provide stimulating toys and start with short departures.

Finally, with some patience and incremental exposure, dogs can overcome most of their fears.

But never force them into frightening situations, this will only worsen their situation. Counter-condition with positive reinforcement and provide a safe space to retreat like a covered bed when truly overwhelmed.

Infographic on how to step by step coax your dog from under your furniture using treats and positive reinforcement

3- Is Your Dog Hiding under your bed to Avoid physical contact?

Some dogs hide because they dislike or distrust human handling and physical contact. Reasons include:

  • Over-Hugging: Too much physical affection can make some dogs uncomfortable. Teach kids gentle petting.
  • Punishment: Harsh discipline erodes trust. Use positive reinforcement to adjust your dog’s bad behavior instead.
  • Lack of Socialization: Untrained dogs may be skittish with touch. Acclimate through gradual, positive contact.
  • Past Abuse: Rescues may have negative associations. Rebuild confidence slowly, not forcing interactions.
  • Rebuild your bond through training exercises and treats.
  • Restrict access under furniture using crates instead, covered for security.

As your dog learns to trust again, hiding should diminish. Meet their needs by respecting dislike of certain types of handling.

4- Does Your Dog Hide After Misbehaving?

Dogs may hide if they’ve done something wrong like stealing food or destroying a belonging; their instinct is to take the food or the stolen item under furniture to enjoy it undisturbed or to avoid punishment.

why my dog is hiding under the bed and how to help him stop this bad behaviour

Like I’ve said before, rather than reacting angrily, use positive reinforcement and treats to shape better behaviors. Only treat your dog after he comes out of under the furniture, not before!

If your dog gets into trash, keep your bins locked, it’s easier if you literally prevent access to problem items.

While discipline is sometimes needed, harsh punishment can backfire by creating more fear and mistrust instead of correcting behaviors.

Set your dog up for success by puppy-proofing your home.

If accidents happen, redirect and reinforce the right thing to do instead of punishing after the fact. With preventative measures and training, your dog won’t feel the need to hide in anticipation of your reaction

5- Dogs Hide Under Furniture to Find Peace and Quiet?

Dogs, especially seniors, spend a lot of time resting, what makes them more likely to hide under your furniture to avoid annoying disturbances like:

  • Active children who won’t give them space.
  • New, rambunctious pets in the home.
  • Loud environments or constant noise.
  • Being repeatedly bothered when trying to sleep.
  • Overwhelming amount of daily handling/petting.
  • Other dogs or guests violating their space.
 dog curled up inside a dark, enclosed artificial den bed to satisfy natural instinct to seek sheltered hiding spaces.

In these cases, it’s best not to force your dog out from under the bed or couch.

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This is why you should always :

  • Allow your dogs time to relaxation and solitude.
  • Provide a quiet space just for your dog to rest undisturbed.
    Crate train dogs separately to control unwanted interactions between them.
  • Teach children and guests to leave the dog be when resting.
  • Create routine nap times and enforce the family to respect them.
  • Take rambunctious pets out for playtime to tire them out.
  • Use gates to give your dog peace when they need it.

With these few modifications to reduce annoyance, your dog will be less inclined to resort to hiding just to get some peace. Be aware of their rest needs.

6- Does Your Dog Hide Under Your Furniture to Be Close to You?

As pack animals, dogs hate being left alone. Your pup may hide under the bed or sofa in rooms you frequent simply because they want to be near you.

If you find out that this is the reason why your dog is hiding under your bed, make sure they have their own cozy bed in your bedroom so they can comfortably rest alongside you at night without crowding your space.

During the day, provide stimulating toys but avoid isolating them from family activities.

Hiding to be close to you stems from healthy dog attachment. You can also set up a spot on a rug near your working area or have them supervised while doing chores.

Meeting their social needs prevents undesirable clinging behavior. With secure bonding, they won’t feel the need to resort to hiding just for your companionship. Finally, make sure your dog gets adequate daily quality time and attention.

7- Your Dog Hide Under Furniture Because it’s Dark and Cozy?

It’s known that dogs naturally love small, enclosed spaces that feel like dens. The darkness and warmth under beds, couches, and other furniture can provide comforting shelter much like their ancestral origins. This instinctual hiding is perfectly healthy behavior.

Fearful dog with tail tucked under kitchen table to feel safe from loud noises like thunderstorms.

Rather than deterring it completely, provide acceptable alternatives to satisfy this inborn need, here’s some solutions you can try:

  • Place cozy beds in dark, covered nooks and crannies.
  • Get cave-like beds with a roof and enclosed sides.
  • Cover wire crates with blankets to create a secure retreat.
  • Rearrange furniture to create small “den” spaces.
  • Consider using an under-bed plastic crate as their domain.

Reward voluntary use of these designated spots with treats and praise and avoid harshly restricting all hiding, this relieves stress in dogs.

By catering to their natural denning desire, your dog can fulfill this instinct in a more appropriate, permitted way.

How to keep your dog from going under the bed ?

help my dog get out from under the bed and correct this bad behaviour

Here is now a concise step-by-step method to train a dog to stop hiding under furniture, followed by some physical temporary solutions:

1- Identify the root cause: Fear, boredom, anxiety? Observe their triggers.
2- Mitigate the underlying issue through proper training, exercise, socialization.
3- Provide alternative safe spaces like crates, covered beds. Reward using them.
4- Block access to problem furniture with covers, pet gates, or devices. You can also place vinyl carpet runners upside down beneath furniture with the spike side facing up to deter access.

5- Set up the environment for success: meet their needs proactively.
6- Use positive reinforcement only: treats, praise, pets. Never punish hiding.
7- Practice obedience commands like “off” or “go to your bed”.
8- Ensure your own behavior isn’t causing the hiding : anger, stress, etc.
9- Be patient: It takes time and consistency. But addressing the motivation and meeting their needs is the key to really help your dog in this situation.

10- Increase Daily Exercise: Ensure your dog gets adequate daily exercise to prevent boredom and burn mental and physical energy.

11- Use furniture covers or bedspreads to block access underneath couches or beds
12- Place cardboard or plastic mats with spike side up under furniture to make the space uncomfortable
13- Rearrange furniture layouts to limit access to tight spaces
14- Provide interactive puzzle toys when unsupervised to maintain mental stimulation
15- Use pheromone diffusers or calming treats to ease anxiety that prompts hiding
16- Train “go to mat” command to redirect dogs to their own bed or rug
17- Reward with treats when dogs rest on their beds instead of hiding spots
18- Use baby monitors or pet cameras to observe triggers that cause hiding and intervene
19- Practice commands like “leave it” or “off” to deter entering problem spaces

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If you think you need help, here’s an amazing online Dog training course (Brain training for dogs) that will help you solve all your dog’s “bad behavior and fear problems”, trust me, it’s cheap but very efficient and helpful.

The priority is resolving the root cause, not just deterring the behavior itself. With diligence and meeting their needs in better ways, most dogs will voluntarily cease problematic hiding.

Should I Let My Dog Hide Under the Bed?

If your dog hides “occasionally” under the bed just to enjoy the cozy, enclosed space, that’s generally fine. But extensive hiding to avoid you signals issues like fear, anxiety, or lack of training that need addressing.

While new rescues need adjustment time, chronic hiding after settling in is problematic.

Furniture hiding shouldn’t replace family interaction. If hiding becomes excessive isolation, work on building trust and confidence, to get them re-engaged with the household.

Final thoughts

There’s always a reason why a dog hides under the bed or behind a piece of furniture…etc…

Always stay calm and never blame your dog, never yell on him, be patient, start by letting the dog get out of himself from under the bed, encourage him just a little and reward him when he comes out.

Then find the real reason why your dog is hiding under the furniture and treat that trigger to rectify the bad behavior.

Leave me your questions in a comment 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why does my dog prefer sleeping under the bed instead of its designated crate or bedding area?

Dogs might choose to sleep under the bed due to seeking comfort, avoiding loud noises, being with you or engaging in playful activities. It’s essential to identify whether this behavior is occasional or persistent before taking action.

Is it dangerous for my dog to be sleeping under the bed?

Sleeping under the bed is generally not hazardous; however, it could become problematic if it becomes a compulsive habit indicating anxiety or stress.

What should I do if my dog starts showing excessive fear or anxiety when trying to remove him from underneath the bed?

Gradually expose your dog to the situation using counterconditioning techniques and positive reinforcement. Consult a professional trainer or veterinarian if necessary.

How can I prevent my dog from hiding under the bed during firework displays or storms?

Create a calming environment away from noise sources, provide distractions, and implement gradual desensitization techniques. Consider consulting a certified animal behaviorist or veterinary specialist for further guidance.

Why does my dog hide under the bed during storms or fireworks?

Loud noises like thunder, fireworks, or construction can create anxiety. Hiding helps dogs feel more secure. Provide a noise-proof spot and distract with toys or treats.

My dog’s new? is hiding normal as we adjust?

It’s very normal for dogs to hide in a new environment at first. Give them time to acclimate to new sights, sounds, and smells before expecting normal behavior. Use treats and a calm demeanor to build confidence.

Why does my dog hide under the desk during Zoom calls?

The unnatural voices and sounds from video calls can be stressful or alarming for some dogs. Mute calls if possible, move to a quieter room, or provide white noise to dull the sounds.

When should I be concerned about my dog’s hiding behavior?

If hiding is accompanied by signs of illness like appetite changes or lethargy, persists beyond the initial adjustment period, or happens suddenly in response to a specific trigger, consult your veterinarian.


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M Samy pet blogger and author at famillypet

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Hey! Samy here , Welcome to my Blog I'm an animal lover, especially pets and Really concerned about their well being ; I've been around and caring for all my life and Now ; a full-time Pet blogger at your service . My motto here at Famillypet is: "Pets First" ... Read More

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1 year ago

I got my puppy from a farm in pa. She had brothers and sisters but she was smaller than the others and was hiding in a corner I got her a training crate so I could start training but she would run under my bed and stay there and till feeding time I got her to do peepe in the weewee pad but not caca she doesn’t bark and when I cary her she’s great with strangers but I can’t get her to walk with a leach and she loves to byte my hands help what do I do

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