Written By : M Samy

how to put an axolotl in a new tank ?

To put an axolotl in a new tank, you have to get it acclimatized to its new habitat by slowly adapting it to the new tank water and its parameters and to the temperature of the new tank.

Here are the steps to follow to correctly and safely transfer your new axolotl to its new tank:

1- Before you put your axolotl in, get your tank ready

Before putting your axolotl in a new tank, you must first be sure that your tank is suitable for axolotls and than check if the water is ready to house your axolotl, that’s why you must do three API water tests during 3 days to make sure that the water parameters are stable, the nitrogen cycle is well established and the water temperature is ideal to receive your new axolotl.

Next, make sure that there is nothing in the new tank that can hurt or stress your axolotl, the presence of decorative elements with sharp edges or rough surfaces can quickly hurt your axolotl and cause infections.

Finally, make sure that there are no tank mates that are not recommended for axolotls to avoid any aggression, as well as for live plants, be aware that not all of them are recommended for them.

2- Get your axolotl Ready before getting it in a new tank

how to safely transfer an axolotl in a new aquarium ?

You will then prepare your axolotl to introduce it into its new environment by checking that it shows no signs of disease, stress or injury.

Also check that it is not affected by any parasite or fungus that could quickly spread in the tank. Your axolotl should look healthy before putting it in its new tank , if not , you should tub it first and see what’s wrong with it .

3- Acclimating your axolotl to its new tank

Before releasing your axolotl into its new tank, you must acclimate it to its new environment and to the new water parameters.

You will first take the shipping bag and gently transfer your axolotl and the water you received it in to a clean container without any odor or chemical residue.

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Your new axolotl should be completely covered with water without the need to add any more.

Then take two clean glasses of equal size and start by removing one glass of water from the container and use the other glass to fill it with cycled water from the tank and replace the glass of water removed from the container where your axolotl is…(replace one glass of water every 10 minutes)

You will repeat this operation three or four times, until you consider that you have completely changed the water in the container with that of the new tank.

After about half an hour, take the container that contains your axolotl, check that it is still clean and place it gently on the surface of the tank water.

You don’t have to pour the water from the container into the tank, just keep the container half immersed in the tank until you notice that the water in the container and the water in the tank have the same temperature.

Once this is done, you can put on a plastic bag or a clean glove, gently pick up your axolotl and release it into its new aquarium.

4- Keep an eye on your axolotl after putting it in its new tank

Once you have released your axolotl into the new tank, you will of course feed it, but more importantly you will monitor its behavior and try to detect any unusual behavior.

I know you cannot wait to see him swimming in his new tank, but you should avoid disturbing him too much during the first week and give him time to get to know you and get used to your presence.

Usually, axolotls are not that active and your new axolotl will start by looking for a hide and sheltering there for a while before coming out at nightfall to inspect its new habitat.

During the next few days, keep monitoring your axolotl and the water parameters, you should not detect any of the usual signs of stress:

  • If your axolotl refuses to feed after 3 days
  • Gills deterioration , loss of colors or Curled Gills
  • Curled Tail Tip
  • Unwanted floating or frequent air Gulping ( at the water surface)
  • Frantic Swimming

Finally, get to know the character and behavior of your axolotl and its feeding schedule, as knowing your axolotl will allow you to know when something is wrong so that you can quickly take action if your axolotl changes its behavior or shows any unusual signs.

How long does it take for an axolotl to be acclimated to its new tank?

Axolotls can take up to a week to acclimate to their new tank, however this will depend on your axolotl’s age as adult axolotls are more confident and show less stress when moving to a new habitat.

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Two axolotls put together will adapt to their new tank faster than they will separately. In any case, the most important thing is to make sure that your new axolotl can eat during the first 3 or 4 days and if he refuses his pellets, offer him an earthworm or a live nightcrawler or some bloodworms if it is a juvenile one, it will surely get his attention and quickly start feeding again.

Final Tips

The secret to safely transferring a newly purchased axolotl to its new tank is to take it easy and slowly acclimate your axolotl to its new home.

Then keep monitoring your axolotl to make sure it is properly accustomed to its new environment. 

M Samy pet blogger and author at famillypet

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Hey! Samy here , Welcome to my Blog I'm an animal lover, especially pets and Really concerned about their well being ; I've been around and caring for all my life and Now ; a full-time Pet blogger at your service . My motto here at Famillypet is: "Pets First" ... Read More