Written By : M Samy

Should You Feed Your Cat Greek Yogurt?

If you’re like most cat owners, you probably think of your feline friend as a member of the family. And just like any other member of the family, you want to make sure they’re getting all the nutrients they need to stay healthy and happy. So, when it comes to their diet, you may be wondering if Greek yogurt is a good option for your cat.

The short answer is yes, Greek yogurt can be a healthy addition to your cat’s diet. It’s packed with protein, calcium, and probiotics, which can help support their digestive health. Plus, it’s a great source of hydration, which is important for cats who don’t drink a lot of water.

However, there are a few things to keep in mind when feeding your cat Greek yogurt. Let’s break it down with an in-depth list, shall we?

Should You Feed Your Cat Greek Yogurt?
  1. Choose plain, unsweetened Greek yogurt: The last thing you want to do is give your cat a sugar rush, so it’s important to choose a plain, unsweetened variety. You can find these at most grocery stores in the dairy section. Also, make sure to check the label to ensure there are no artificial sweeteners, flavors, or colors added.
  1. Avoid flavored Greek yogurts: While plain Greek yogurt is perfectly safe for cats, the same can’t be said for flavored varieties. These often contain sugar and other ingredients that aren’t good for your cat’s health. So, it’s best to stick with plain yogurt.
  1. Introduce Greek yogurt slowly: As with any new food, it’s important to introduce Greek yogurt to your cat slowly. Start by mixing a small amount into their regular food and see how they react. If they seem to enjoy it and have no negative side effects, you can gradually increase the amount you give them.
  1. Watch for signs of a digestive upset: Some cats may experience digestive upset when they first start eating Greek yogurt. This is usually nothing to worry about and will resolve itself within a few days. However, if your cat seems to be in pain or has diarrhea, stop feeding them Greek yogurt and talk to your vet.
  1. Choose a high-quality Greek yogurt: When it comes to your cat’s health, you should always choose a high-quality product. This means opting for an organic, grass-fed variety if possible. These yogurts are free of hormones and antibiotics and are generally higher in nutrients than their conventional counterparts.
  1. Avoid brands that use carrageenan: Carrageenan is a food additive that has been linked to gastrointestinal inflammation. So, you’ll want to avoid brands that use it in their Greek yogurt products.
  1. Avoid brands with added sugars: As we mentioned before, sugar is a no-go for cats. So, make sure to avoid brands that add it to their Greek yogurt products. Instead, choose a brand that uses all-natural ingredients and has no added sugars.
  1. Look for brands that use live and active cultures: Greek yogurt contains live and active cultures, which are beneficial for your cat’s digestive health. So, you’ll want to look for a brand that uses these in its products.
  1. Choose a brand with a short ingredient list: The shorter the ingredient list, the better. This means that the yogurt is made with fewer ingredients, which is always a good thing.
  1. Check the expiration date: Just like with any food product, you’ll want to check the expiration date before feeding Greek yogurt to your cat. This will ensure that the yogurt is still fresh and safe to eat.

Foods Similar to Greek Yoghurt That Your Cat Might Also Enjoy

If your cat isn’t a big fan of Greek yogurt, there are some other options you can try. These include:

  1. Cottage cheese: Cottage cheese is another dairy product that’s high in protein and calcium. Plus, it contains live and active cultures, which can support your cat’s digestive health.
  1. Kefir: Kefir is a fermented milk product that’s similar to yogurt. It’s high in protein and calcium and also contains live and active cultures.
  1. Non-fat plain yogurt: Non-fat plain yogurt is another option you can try. Just make sure to choose a brand that doesn’t contain any added sugars or artificial ingredients.
  1. Goat’s milk: Goat’s milk is another alternative to cow’s milk that’s high in protein and calcium. Plus, it’s easier for some cats to digest than cow’s milk.
  1. Raw milk: Raw milk is another option you can try, although it’s important to make sure that the milk is from a reputable source and has been properly pasteurized.

Feeding Greek Yogurt to Your Cat: How To Do It

If you’ve decided that you want to feed Greek yogurt to your cat, there are a few things you’ll need to keep in mind. First, make sure to choose a high-quality product that doesn’t contain any added sugars or artificial ingredients.

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Second, introduce the yogurt slowly and watch for any signs of digestive upset. Finally, only give your cat a small amount of yogurt at first and gradually increase the amount you give them.


How To Know If My Cat Can Eat Greek Yogurt?

If you’re not sure whether Greek yogurt is right for your cat, talk to your veterinarian. They can give you personalized advice based on your cat’s individual needs and health history.

Why Would I Feed My Cat Greek Yogurt?

There are a few reasons why you might want to feed Greek yogurt to your cat. For one, it’s a good source of protein and calcium.

Plus, it contains live and active cultures, which can support your cat’s digestive health. Finally, Greek yogurt is an easy way to add some variety to your cat’s diet.

Can All Cats Eat Greek Yogurt?

No, not all cats can eat Greek yogurt. If your cat is lactose-intolerant, it won’t be able to digest the milk sugars in yogurt.

Plus, some cats may be allergic to cow’s milk or other dairy products. So, if you’re not sure whether Greek yogurt is right for your cat, talk to your veterinarian first.

How Much Greek Yogurt Can I Feed My Cat?

If you’re feeding Greek yogurt to your cat for the first time, start with a small amount and gradually increase it. A good starting point is about ¼ cup (60 ml) per day.

If your cat doesn’t have any digestive problems, you can eventually work up to feeding them 1 cup (240 ml) per day.

What Are The Best Brands Of Greek Yogurt For Cats?

There are a few things you’ll want to look for when choosing a brand of Greek yogurt for your cat. First, make sure to choose plain, unsweetened yogurt.

Second, look for a yogurt that contains live and active cultures. Finally, choose a brand that doesn’t contain any artificial ingredients or added sugars.

Some good brands of Greek yogurt to try include Fage, Chobani, and So Delicious.

Can I Feed My Cat Greek Yogurt every day?

Yes, you can feed your cat Greek yogurt every day. Just make sure to choose a high-quality product and start with a small amount.

You should also introduce the yogurt slowly and watch for any signs of digestive upset. If your cat tolerates Greek yogurt well, you can eventually work up to feeding them 1 cup (240 ml) per day.

Do I Need To Give My Cat Supplements If I Feed Them Greek Yogurt?

If you’re feeding your cat a balanced diet that includes Greek yogurt, you shouldn’t need to give them any additional supplements. However, if you’re not sure whether your cat’s diet is complete and balanced, talk to your veterinarian.

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They can recommend the best supplements for your cat’s individual needs.

M Samy pet blogger and author at famillypet

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Hey! Samy here , Welcome to my Blog I'm an animal lover, especially pets and Really concerned about their well being ; I've been around and caring for all my life and Now ; a full-time Pet blogger at your service . My motto here at Famillypet is: "Pets First" ... Read More