Written By : M Samy

Fruits that dogs can or cannot eat

Fruits safe for dogs and their Health benefits :

Fruit is an excellent source of fiber, minerals, enzymes, vitamins and antioxidants, which makes fruit a good way to strengthen the immune system of your dog, facilitate intestinal transit and prevent intestinal blockages without forgetting their hydrating effect for their high water content and the sweet taste that makes them a healthy treat for all dogs in moderation of course.

But not all fruits are the same and a fruit that is good for humans is not necessarily good for your dog, that’s why I made this list of fruits good for dogs and how to give them to avoid producing the opposite effect and make your dog sick!

best fruits that dogs can safely have

Good to Know before adding fruit to your dog’s menu :

There are many things that dogs love to eat and some fruit is certainly one of them but never give your dog the same fruit every day, you must vary his diet and rotate the type of fruit you add to his plate throughout the week.

Giving your dog fruit will not prevent you from also giving him vegetables to complete his protein meal, but make sure that the amount of fruit and veggies you give him never exceeds 20% of his meal.

Unlike cheese, for example, which can cause allergies in many dogs, mainly because of the lactose, these fruits are safe to give to most dogs and allergies are very rare, as long as you respect the quantity and the few tips associated with each fruit… please keep reading, do it for your dog…

but whenever you have any doubts, I strongly recommend that you ask your veterinarian for advice before giving your dog a new fruit or any other food.

Fruit For a Pooch !?

Yes that’s right, dogs like all Canids are omnivorous and not carnivorous, it also surprised me when I saw a wolf running with half a watermelon in its mouth, and also my father who was crying about the jackal that was stealing our grapes, a childhood memory…

So don’t be surprised, fruit is one of the things dogs like to eat the most.

Yes dogs eat fruits, but not in large quantities and especially not all !! because some fruits are good, even excellent for the health of our four-legged friends, but there are other fruits that can really harm the health of our dogs, we will talk about that a little further.

1- Can dogs have strawberries ?

dogs can have strawberries

Rich in fiber, vitamin C and antioxidants, refreshing (hydrating) in hot weather, whitening teeth, good for the immune system and low in calories, strawberries are an excellent fruit and safe treat to give your dog.

You only need to give your dog fresh strawberries, wash them well to remove as much of the chemical residue and dust as possible, trim off the stem, and cut them into small pieces before giving them to your dog, you can even freeze them and use them as treats.

As with any new food you introduce to your dog, start with just one or two pieces of fruit and monitor your dog’s reaction and behavior, no diarrhea, no allergies (if he doesn’t scratch!), no change in behavior, no upset stomach!

If all goes well, you can make a puree or cut them into small pieces and sprinkle them as a topper on his meal this healthy snack (less than 5% of his daily calories!) once or twice a week, vary the fruits you give to your dog especially in this season of abundance!

Strawberries will help your dog to have a healthy skin and a strong shiny coat which makes this fruit a good ally for dogs with light coats, especially in hot weather.

Not only will this fruit strengthen your dog’s bones, but it is also diuretic and has digestive properties for dogs with difficult digestion!

Strawberries contain too much sugar, so only give them to your dog as treats. If you notice even a small change in your dog, stop giving him this fruit and call your veterinarian for more advice.

Never give processed strawberries ( Dried , canned or packed in sugary syrup ! ) , this kind of product are too energetic and sweet and generally lose all their nutritional value and are especially full of additives that can harm your dog’s health and yours of course and you will quickly make your dog obese especially if he only lies all day on the Sofa .

So, unlike juniper berries or berries with pits, strawberries are a healthy and safe treat for most dogs, but just as a treat and in case you have any doubts, ask your veterinarian before giving this fruit to your dog.

Blueberries are also a healthy low calorie fruit for your dog :

blueberries are good for dogs

Rich in fiber, vitamin K & C and antioxidants like all the other edible berries, blueberries are good for your dog’s immune system and heart health. It is recommended that you remove the seeds from blueberries, especially the large ones, before giving them to your dog, especially if it is a puppy or small dog.

A small handful of this fruit twice a week will only do your dog good and if you pick them yourself, stay away from places near fields where pesticides and insecticides are used because the wind would have surely transported them and deposited them on the surroundings.

2- Can Dogs Have Bananas?

Yes, dogs can have bananas but only as a treat and only once a week.

Bananas are low in fat and protein but  rich in potassium,phosphorus, magnesium, and vitamins C & B group vitamins , fiber and will be a good ally for your dog’s health and even could help if your dog is experiencing gastrointestinal issues.

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Avoid giving too much to your dog, just a slice of an inch will be enough for an average sized dog because it is too sweet, do not give any other fruit in the same day and introduce this fruit gradually to your dog so as not to upset his digestive system, not to cause him an upset stomach or diarrhea.

In moderation, bananas or frozen bananas slice can help settle your dog’s stomach, remember to remove the skin (too rich in fiber and indigestible) of the piece of banana before giving it to your dog, you can crush the piece of banana and mix it with your dog’s meal, or fill your dog’s KONG with this sweet fruit which will keep your dog busy for several minutes.

Keep an eye on your dog if you are giving him a piece of banana for the first time, check for any signs of allergy such as hair loss, vomiting, excessive scratching, swollen muzzle…

bananas are a healthy treat for dogs

Peeled Bananas should be given only as a treat (not more than 10% of the dog’s meal! and not every day) and giving too much will lead to diarrhea, throwing up or digestive upset, a large dog like labs or retrievers can have half a banana while small breed dogs should be satisfied with a piece of one inch at most.

You should also know that bananas are not a natural remedy for dog diarrhea or worse, constipation, bananas are not a rich and complete meal for a dog, they are just a snack.

You should also take into account the tannins that bananas contain when you give them to your dog, because this high tannin content (astringent effect) will complicate the condition of a dog suffering from constipation.

An other tip : 

If your dog is allergic to cheese and is on medication, a piece of banana is another great way to hide the medication and get your dog to accept it easily if he is reluctant to take it!

3- Can Dogs Have Raspberries?

Most berries are an excellent snack for your dog and fresh or unsweetened frozen raspberries are a good treat for him, rich in fiber, manganese, copper, folic acid, and magnesium, antioxidants and vitamins (B, C), they are sweet, refreshing and delicious, your dog will get nothing but good things from this fruit

Raspberries are rich in nutrients, however, do not give your dog raspberries every day and no more than 5 if it is a large dog while small breeds of dogs should be satisfied with one or two raspberries and only twice a week. Too many raspberries for a dog will give him diarrhea.

Given in moderation, low in fat and sugar, raspberries can help your dog avoid many health problems such as cancer, arthritis, heart disease, and diabetes and this fruit is recommended for overweight dogs, they act as an appetite suppressant and are not too caloric as well.

Be careful if you have raspberries in your garden, if your dog does not finish his daily meal, know that he steals your raspberries and it is surely not the rabbit of the neighbors who is the culprit!

Raspberries contain an insignificant amount of sweetener xylitol (toxic for dogs in large doses!), which means that your dog is not at risk by eating raspberries in moderation, too much raspberries (more than 10 cups) may cause a momentary hypoglycemia in your dog, your veterinarian will probably tell you more about this if you ask him for advice.

In conclusion, 1 cup of raspberries is an excellent snack for most dogs but just twice a week is an excellent treat for dogs on a diet or suffering from diabetes (6 grams of sugar in 1 cup of raspberries); they can be served fresh or frozen, best when added as a topper to the dog’s meal.

Raspberry Jam should not be given to dogs, it is too sweet and contains additives that in the long run can harm your dog’s health, stick to fresh or fresh frozen raspberries.

Raspberry yogurt is ok for dogs that are not allergic to lactose and dairy products like cheese ( by the way , dogs like cheese ) , if you give your dog this yogurt and you notice signs of allergy like excessive scratching, swollen muzzle, diarrhea… contact your veterinarian quickly for a consultation and more analysis to find out if the allergy is caused by the lactose or the fruit itself

4- Can dogs have apples ?

apples are good for dogs

Yes dogs and puppies can eat apples but how safely can you feed them to your dog ? Apples have a high nutritional value and are low in calories which makes them an excellent snack for dogs, not only do they clean teeth and aid digestion with their high fiber content (especially in the skin of the apple) but most importantly, apples are very rich in antioxidants, vitamins C & A , Calcium and Potassium ; low in protein as well as fat .

Apples are often recommended for dogs that suffer from obesity but since they contain too much sugar (about 20g for a medium sized apple), you should give your dog just one slice of apple and only two or three times a week.

This fruit also known for its important digestive astringent and anti-inflammatory properties what makes it great for dogs suffering from gastrointestinal issues.

If your dog steals an apple and leaves only the core, he could have diarrhea or vomit if he is allergic to the fruit, so avoid this happening and not more than two slices of apple at a time after you have removed the core and seeds of course to avoid the risk of poisoning because of the cyanide contained in the seeds but also because the core is too hard and may act as a choking hazard!

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If you have a medium sized dog or a puppy, you can remove the skin of the apple to avoid that it gets stuck between the teeth of your small dog, which will bother him of course.

Before being served to your dog, the apple should be washed well to remove any pesticides, germs and bacteria it may contain. Then cut a slice of apple and remove the core and especially the seeds, you can remove the skin of the fruit for puppies or keep it if you have a large dog and does not suffer from dental problems.

You can give frozen apples to your dog but the best way to give an apple to a dog is to remove the skin and core, dice them into half inch pieces and use them as a treat, you can even freeze them to prevent them from turning black and it also creates a new texture that the dog will surely love in hot weather.

Can Dogs Have Apples with Skin?

Yes, dogs can eat the skin of apples, but you can’t just give them the skin!!! you have to give them a slice of apple with the skin.

The skin of the apple contains more fiber than the rest of the fruit, so it helps digestion but it can get stuck in the dog’s teeth, so I prefer that you remove the skin of the apple before giving the slice to puppies and senior dogs or a dog that suffers from diarrhea. Unsweetened applesauce is also ok for dogs with moderation of course.

For Example , If your dog suffers from diarrhea, it is better to remove the skin of the apple before giving him one or two slices. On the other hand, if your dog suffers from constipation, it is better to leave the skin of the fruit for its high fiber content which will help your dog to get better.

Pears are also good for dogs:

Pears contain more water than apples which makes them a good hydrating fruit for dogs, they also contain fibers that will help the intestinal transit of the dog but they have a specificity to prevent the dog from cardiovascular problems and they are also recommended for dogs that suffer from diabetes.

Dr . Lisa Littlejohn’s Tip on how to give apples and pears for dogs :

Never let your dog eat apple core or pear core cuz it may easily get stuck in your dog’s stomach.

5- Can Dogs Have Blackberries?

Blackberries when fresh and just picked are a great fruit to add to your dog’s meal, especially growing puppies. They are low in sugar and calories which makes them a good fruit for dogs who are on a diet or who don’t need to gain weight!

Packed with vitamins K, B, A, , C ( even though dogs don’t need extra Vitamin C! ) ,E ,manganese , fiber (healthy digestion) and Omega-3 fatty acids ( Shiny coat and healthy skin and teeth ) Blackberries are excellent for growing puppies and old dogs too , they calm inflammation which makes them ideal for dogs with joint problems , but always give in moderation and they can’t replace the dog’s meal or treatment!

dogs love blackberries

Blackberries are a sweet healthy treat and nutritious source for dogs, rich in antioxidants and known for their anti-inflammatory properties and help boost your dog’s immune system ( Mongo are known also for this ) .

This low carb fruit is also known to help dogs with digestive problems which makes blackberries a good food topper for dogs that have trouble digesting their food and not overeating because this fruit is like an appetite suppressant too, ideal for overweight dogs.

Give only a few fresh , baked , pureed or frozen blackberries here and there !  ,just as low-fat treat only twice a week will only help your dog get better

To prevent dogs with sensitive stomachs from getting worse by GI Upset, start by giving him just a couple of blackberries and watch him for any allergy symptoms such as diarrhea or vomiting from his food, ask your vet for advice if this happens to your dog.

Don’t worry about the sweetener Xylitol because blackberries contain very small amounts of it, far from what would poison your dog.

You should also avoid processed blackberries because they may contain too many additives and preservatives that can upset your dog’s digestive system if they are consumed on a regular basis, not to mention the sugar they add to them!

Do not pick blackberries for yourself or your dog in parks or places where they may come in contact with pesticides or other pollutants!

6- Can dogs have Watermelon ?

watermelon is good for dogs

Like Santa Claus melon, a slice of an inch or a few bites of watermelon without the seeds is excellent for dogs especially those that are struggling with weight and in hot weather.

It is a fruit rich in vitamins A, C, B6, and B1, very hydrating because it is composed of more than 90% of water when fresh, and is therefore very recommended for dogs with a normal weight because of its sugar content, but also recommended for dogs fed with kibble and who do not drink too much water.

7- Can dogs have Oranges ?

Oranges are also full of potassium, thiamine, and folate and vitamins especially vitamin C which will surely boost your dog’s immune system.

Oranges are also full of fiber and are therefore excellent for dogs with poor intestinal transit. Avoid only fruit that is not yet fully ripe and never let your dog eat the orange peel, it is indigestible and very acidic and can disturb your dog’s digestion.

8- Can give your dog Peaches ?

With moderation of course, a fresh peach will feed your dog and guarantee him to be full of vitamins and minerals, especially fibers.

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It is very important to remove the core of the peach before giving it to your dog.

If you want to give mangoes also for your dog, it is necessary to remove the pits as well, this fruit will provide essential vitamins for the health and well-being of your dog, such as vitamin B6, A, C and vitamin E).

Mango is a source of potassium and beta and alpha-carotenes, and will help boost your dog’s immune system.

Remove the pit and peel the fruit before feeding it to your dog.

Because of its high sugar content, no more than 20 grams for small dogs and less than 100 grams for others.

9- Pineapple for dogs ?

Pineapple contains a molecule called Bromelain, which will help your dog to fight against inflammation.

This fruit is also very moisturizing, like watermelon, it is recommended for dogs who do not drink enough water.

This fruit is ideal if you want to reward your dog and at the same time provide him with vitamin B5, manganese and extra fiber.

You can cut some pieces of this fruit into small cubes and use it as a treat if you train your dog too.

10- Melon and Cantaloupe are good for dogs to quench their thirst

Less than 50 grams per day for small dogs and up to 150 grams for medium and large dogs, melon/Cantaloupe is very good for dogs in hot weather.

This fruit is on the one hand very digestible and on the other hand not very caloric, therefore ideal to please your dog, but this does not allow you to exceed the quantities that I recommended you previously.

11- Sweet potato for your dog

I don’t know if you’ll consider this a dessert, but I do remember that my dog loved to eat sweet potatoes ( boiled of course because raw potato is toxic for dogs. ).

I learned earlier that sweet potato is good for the muscles, it will invigorate your dog after a long walk in the park or his daily training sessions.

12- Can I give dates as treats to my dog?

Yes, a dog can eat dates, but you have to remove the stone, and no more than two or three dates per week.

Dates are recommended for dogs suffering from digestive problems, they are very rich in fiber, but also full of vitamins.

Since they are very sweet, try to give your dog some physical activity when you give him pieces of dates as treats.

Fruits your dog should never eat 

Here are the fruits that should never be given to a dog to avoid affecting its health and even risk losing it :

Prohibited fruit for dogsThe reason your dog should never eat this fruit
AvocadoAvocado contains Persin in its skin and pit and even in smaller amount inside the fruit itself , This  molecule is toxic for dogs and causes severe diarrhea and vomiting
CherriesHighly risk of Cyanide poisoning , your dog will have difficulties to breath.
Grapes & RaisinsHighly risk of kidney failure and death for dogs
TomatoesThe fruit itself maybe ok for many dogs but unripe tomatoes and the plant ( the green part of it ) contains Solanine which is toxic for dogs
Pips, seeds and stones of the fruitsNever give these things to your dog , like the apple core or pear core .All these parts of the fruit could not only stuck in your dog’s stomach but they also contain Cyanide , it’s extremely toxic for dogs
NutsBetter avoid all of them for the safety of your dog ( they can be toxic for dogs – high in fat , potential choking hazards and can lead to obesity and pancreatic problems . Don’t give your dog , almonds, Brazil nuts, walnuts, Cashews, pecan nuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts and peanuts…
Lemons and LimesOnly a small amount (juice ) but better not giving them to your dogs ( too acidic )

These fruits can kill your dog

Don’t let your dog hypnotize you with his big eyes when he watches you eat.

We are always tempted to share our desserts with them but some fruits or part of them, like seeds are really harmful to our dogs’ health.

Here are now the fruits that you must not give to your dog, because they can make him sick, or even kill him in case of excessive consumption.

1- The Seeds of Pears and Apples 

do dogs eat apples and pears ?

Dogs love apples, but if you don’t remove the seeds, rich in cyanide, you can poison your dog’s heart.

Be sure to wash the apples, peel them and especially remove the seeds, cut the apple pieces into small cubes and give them as treats for your dog.

2-Never give grapes to your dog 

Grapes and raisins are toxic to dogs and can quickly cause kidney failure in your Pooch.

Always make sure that your puppy or dog does not have access to this fruit, or raisins as well, the same goes for wine.

Scientists believe this is due to mycotoxins, which are present in the mold on the skin of grapes when they are ripe.

Grapes are the fruit a dog should never eat, if you have vines in your home or garden, make sure your dog cannot reach the grape bunches.

The common symptoms of a toxic reaction to grapes are :

  • Appetite loss
  • Vomiting
  • Dehydration
  • Reduced urination

3-Your dog can only eat Apricot and Cherry pulp!

You must avoid any contact between your dog and these two trees, fruit seeds, leaves, branches … etc…

You can only give your dog the pulp of the fruit.

Final Thoughts

The fruits I just mentioned above are all excellent snacks for your dog. But there are also some fruits that are very dangerous for dogs, especially grapes and grapes, and even a small amount of these fruits will cause kidney failure to your dog. 

So please don’t give your dog any fruit until you have been properly informed, and it is always wise to ask your veterinarian’s advice before giving your four-legged friend any new fruit.

M Samy pet blogger and author at famillypet

About Author

Hey! Samy here , Welcome to my Blog I'm an animal lover, especially pets and Really concerned about their well being ; I've been around and caring for all my life and Now ; a full-time Pet blogger at your service . My motto here at Famillypet is: "Pets First" ... Read More