Written By : M Samy

Amazing Devoted dog stories

Hachiko , the dog that saved his breed from extinction


This amazing dog story is about the devoted Hachiko

amazing dog story

There were only about thirty Akita dogs in all of Japan in 1925, and they were destined to disappear, and now Hachiko, the most faithful dog in history, came to show human beings that this breed of dog knows how to be intelligent, dedicated and faithful, which led everyone to seek to adopt an Akita dog

The story took place in the 1920s in Tokyo, Japan, and his hero was called Hachiko, he was the dog of a university professor named Hidesamuro Ueno.

It all began when the people around the Shibuya train station noticed a dog standing alone every night as the last train arrived and staring at the cars one by one and enthusiastically looking at the door from which the passengers were leaving.

In fact, the dog Hachiko went to the station every night to wait for his master, desperately looking at the cars in the hope that his friend would get off one of them, but unfortunately what Hachiko didn’t know was that his master had died and he wouldn’t get off any more cars 

devoted dog story

Despite this, Hachiko went to wait for his master every evening for 11 years, under the sun, under the rain and even the snow, until the end of his life too, and we can well imagine that he had finally found his master in the afterlife and in paradise

All this moving story would have stunk in silence if it wasn’t for the fact that a student of the late master Ueno had noticed and understood what was happening and that Hachiko was not standing in front of the station just to pass the time but to wait for his master as he used to do when his master was still alive

Hachiko became a living legend and films and novels are written to tell his incredible story and how dedicated he was to his master even after his death

heartwarming dog story

Hachiko had died 9 years after his secret was discovered and a memorial stele was erected in the very place where he used to wait for his master

This story of a faithful, intelligent and devoted dog confirms once again that the dog remains man’s best friend

So be attentive and love your pets because they have a soul too and they show it to us every day by the affection they show us and even more than that, hundreds of people are saved by their pets every day in the world and dozens of such stories are waiting to be told and brought to the public’s attention, I also invite you to read the moving story of Cat Toldo, a beautiful story of friendship between a cat and its master even after death also

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Breath whith this Funny Pic

Incredible dog stories

Another Faithful dog story that  looks like Hachiko’s one


The hero this time was called Canelo, he was a dog who lived in Spain with his master and who used to take him with him every time he went to the hospital to do his Dialysis (kidney problem)

dog story that breaks hearts

One day, in the late 1980s, his master died in the hospital in Cadix while his dog Canelo was waiting for him outside the door. 

Canelo stayed 12 years in front of the hospital door waiting for his master who will unfortunately never come out again and during these 12 years Canelo prevented anyone who tried to keep him away from the hospital door until his death in 2002

A memorial stele was also erected in his honor and a street was named “Camélo road” in his name by the community to celebrate his memory

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M Samy pet blogger and author at famillypet

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Hey! Samy here , Welcome to my Blog I'm an animal lover, especially pets and Really concerned about their well being ; I've been around and caring for all my life and Now ; a full-time Pet blogger at your service . My motto here at Famillypet is: "Pets First" ... Read More

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